PHIL 103 Signature AssignmentFor your signature assignment, you will be applying two ethical theories to an ethical problem. Examples of such problems are euthanasia for terminal patients, capital punishment: capricious and arbitrary, police brutality, abortion, simulated killing, and so forth.Your topic will have to be approved by me, so send me a brief synopsis as soon as you know what you want to write on. Your essay should be at least 6-7 pages. The body of the essay should be around 1000 words.In the early modules, we discussedethical theories. These are ethical relativism, ethical egoism, utilitarianism, Kants deontology, and natural law theory/virtue ethics. In the later modules of the course, we discussedseveral problemsin applied ethics. You may choose from those applied ethics cases or choose one of your own.Structure of the Essay1. Introduction to the topic and thesisGive a brief history and background of your topic. Following this, you must state your thesis. Your thesis must make a stand on the ethical problem. For example, euthanasia for terminally ill patients is an ethically right choice to make in many cases. The main arguments you present in this essay will defend this position.
2. Body of Essaya. Select two ethical theories to use in the main body of your essay. The first theory will be the one that supports your thesis. State and explain this theory and apply it to your moral issue.
b. The second theory will give theoppositeanalysis. If your thesis is that “X is morally right,” then the counterargument will try to show that x ismorally wrong.In this way, you will be givinga balanced account of your topic.Moreover, it would be good to provide some of your own arguments for why the counter-view is faulty. You thus support your original thesis in a better and stronger way. Academic sources are good at this point of your essay as well.c. Compare and contrast how the two ethical theories you have chosen are different. You may label one section of your essay, “Comparing the Theories.” The next section might be labeled, “Contrasting the Theories.”
3. ConclusionIn your conclusion, you should reaffirm your thesis and the ethical theory that supports your argument; as well, you need to include a final section on why that ethical theory also helps make other ethically right decisions when faced with other difficult ethical decisions. This part of your conclusion describes your ethical stance moving forward and your confidence in the ethical theory you have chosen.The paper itself must be an academically formatted paper (). Your academic support must include at least 3 credible academic sources that discuss either the ethical issue you chose or the ethical systems you describe in the paper.Your paper should be in the following APA format:
- Title page
- Abstract
- Main body
- References
Here are more resources to help you with formatting:Purdue Owl on APA formattingUse an APA template for your paper
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