Order ID 53563633773 Type Essay Writer Level Masters Style APA Sources/References 4 Perfect Number of Pages to Order 5-10 Pages Description/Paper Instructions
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HA1011 Group Assignment
Due End of Week 10
(Maximum 5 students in the group)
” This is an applied assignment, not a research assignment. You have to show that you understand the principles and techniques taught in this course. Therefore you are expected to show all your workings, and all problems must be completed in the format taught in class, the lecture notes or prescribed text book. Any problems not done in the prescribed format will not be marked, regardless of the ultimate correctness of the answer. ”
- Your assignment must be submitted in WORD format only!
- When answering questions, wherever required, you should copy/cut and paste the Excel output (e.g., plots, regression output etc) to show your working/output.
- Submit your assignment through Safe-Assign in the course website, under the Assignments and due dates, Assignment Final Submission before the due date.
- You are required to keep an electronic copy of your submitted assignment to re-submit, in case the original submission is failed and/or you are asked to resubmit.
- Please check your email prior to reporting your assignment mark regularly for possible communications due to failure in your submission.
Important Notice:
All assignments submitted undergo plagiarism checking; if found to have cheated, all involving submissions would receive a mark of zero for this assessment item.
Attempt all the questions (8×2.5 = 20 Marks)
Question 1 of 8
HINT: We cover this in Lecture 1 (Summary Statistics and Graphs)
Data were collected on the number of passengers at each train station in Melbourne. The numbers for the weekday peak time, 7am to 9:29am, are given below.
456 1189 410 318 648 399 382 248 379 1240 2268 272
267 1113 733 262 682 906 338 1750 530 1584 2985 323
1311 1632 1606 982 878 169 583 548 429 658 344 2630
538 494 1946 268 435 862 866 579 1359 1022 1618 1021
401 1181 1178 637 2830 1000 2958 962 697 401 1442 1115
- Construct a frequency distribution using 10 classes, stating the Frequency, Relative Frequency, Cumulative Relative Frequency and Class Midpoint
- Using (a), construct a histogram. (You can draw it neatly by hand or use Excel)
- Based upon the raw data (NOT the Frequency Distribution), what is the mean, median and mode? (Hint – first sort your data. This is usually much easier using Excel.)
Question 2 of 8
HINT: We cover this in Lecture 2 (Measures of Variability and Association)
You are the manager of the supermarket on the ground floor below Holmes. You are wondering if there is a relation between the number of students attending class at Holmes each day, and the amount of chocolate bars sold. That is, do you sell more chocolate bars when there are a lot of Holmes students around, and less when Holmes is quiet? If there is a relationship, you might want to keep less chocolate bars in stock when Holmes is closed over the upcoming holiday. With the help of the campus manager, you have compiled the following list covering 7 weeks:
Weekly attendance Number of chocolate bars sold
472 6916
413 5884
503 7223
612 8158
399 6014
538 7209
455 6214
- Is above a population or a sample? Explain the difference.
- Calculate the standard deviation of the weekly attendance. Show your workings. (Hint – remember to use the correct formula based upon your answer in (a).)
- Calculate the Inter Quartile Range (IQR) of the chocolate bars sold. When is the IQR more useful than the standard deviation? (Give an example based upon number of chocolate bars sold.)
- Calculate the correlation coefficient. Using the problem we started with, interpret the correlation coefficient. (Hint – you are the supermarket manager. What does the correlation coefficient tell you? What would you do based upon this information?)
Question 3 of 8
HINT: We cover this in Lecture 3 (Linear Regression)
(We are using the same data set we used in Question 2)
You are the manager of the supermarket on the ground floor below Holmes. You are wondering if there is a relation between the number of students attending class at Holmes each day, and the amount of chocolate bars sold. That is, do you sell more chocolate bars when there are a lot of Holmes students around, and less when Holmes is quiet? If there is a relationship, you might want to keep less chocolate bars in stock when Holmes is closed over the upcoming holiday. With the help of the campus manager, you have compiled the following list covering 7 weeks:
Weekly attendance Number of chocolate bars sold
472 6916
413 5884
503 7223
612 8158
399 6014
538 7209
455 6214
- Calculate AND interpret the Regression Equation. You are welcome to use Excel to check your calculations, but you must first do them by hand. Show your workings.
(Hint 1 – As manager, which variable do you think is the one that affects the other variable? In other words, which one is independent, and which variable’s value is dependent on the other variable? The independent variable is always x.
Hint 2 – When you interpret the equation, give specific examples. What happens when Holmes are closed? What happens when 10 extra students show up?)
- Calculate AND interpret the Coefficient of Determination.
Question 4 of 8
HINT: We cover this in Lecture 4 (Probability)
You are the manager of the Holmes Hounds Big Bash League cricket team. Some of your players are recruited in-house (that is, from the Holmes students) and some are bribed to come over from other teams. You have 2 coaches. One believes in scientific training in computerised gyms, and the other in “grassroots” training such as practising at the local park with the neighbourhood kids or swimming and surfing at Main Beach for 2 hours in the mornings for fitness. The table below was compiled:
Scientific training Grassroots training Recruited from Holmes students 35 92 External recruitment 54 12 Tasks (show all your workings):
- What is the probability that a randomly chosen player will be from Holmes OR receiving Grassroots training?
- What is the probability that a randomly selected player will be External AND be in scientific training?
- Given that a player is from Holmes, what is the probability that he is in scientific training?
- Is training independent from recruitment? Show your calculations and then explain in your own words what it means.
Question 5 of 8
HINT: We cover this in Lecture 5 (Bayes’ Rule)
A company is considering launching one of 3 new products: product X, Product Y or Product Z, for its existing market. Prior market research suggest that this market is made up of 4 consumer segments: segment A, representing 55% of consumers, is primarily interested in the functionality of products; segment B, representing 30% of consumers, is extremely price sensitive; and segment C representing 10% of consumers is primarily interested in the appearance and style of products. The final 5% of the customers (segment D) are fashion conscious and only buy products endorsed by celebrities.
To be more certain about which product to launch and how it will be received by each segment, market research is conducted. It reveals the following new information.
- The probability that a person from segment A prefers Product X is 20%
- The probability that a person from segment B prefers product X is 35%
- The probability that a person from segment C prefers Product X is 60%
- The probability that a person from segment C prefers Product X is 90%
Tasks (show your workings):
- The company would like to know the probably that a consumer comes from segment A if it is known that this consumer prefers Product X over Product Y and Product Z.
- Overall, what is the probability that a random consumer’s first preference is product X?
Question 6 of 8
HINT: We cover this in Lecture 6
You manage a luxury department store in a busy shopping centre. You have extremely high foot traffic (people coming through your doors), but you are worried about the low rate of conversion into sales. That is, most people only seem to look, and few actually buy anything.
You determine that only 1 in 10 customers make a purchase. (Hint: The probability that the customer will buy is 1/10.)
Tasks (show your workings):
- During a 1 minute period you counted 8 people entering the store. What is the probability that only 2 or less of those 8 people will buy anything? (Hint: You have to do this by hand, showing your workings. Use the formula on slide 11 of lecture 6. But you can always check your calculations with Excel to make sure they are correct.)
- (Task A is worth the full 2 marks. But you can earn a bonus point for doing Task B.)
On average you have 4 people entering your store every minute during the quiet 10-11am slot. You need at least 6 staff members to help that many customers but usually have 7 staff on roster during that time slot. The 7th staff member rang to let you know he will be 2 minutes late. What is the probability 9 people will enter the store in the next 2 minutes? (Hint 1: It is a Poisson distribution. Hint 2: What is the average number of customers entering every 2 minutes? Remember to show all your workings.)
Question 7 of 8
HINT: We cover this in Lecture 7
You are an investment manager for a hedge fund. There are currently a lot of rumours going around about the “hot” property market on the Gold Coast, and some of your investors want you to set up a fund specialising in Surfers Paradise apartments.
You do some research and discover that the average Surfers Paradise apartment currently sells for $1.1 million. But there are huge price differences between newer apartments and the older ones left over from the 1980’s boom. This means prices can vary a lot from apartment to apartment. Based on sales over the last 12 months, you calculate the standard deviation to be $385 000.
There is an apartment up for auction this Saturday, and you decide to attend the auction.
Tasks (show your workings):
- Assuming a normal distribution, what is the probability that apartment will sell for over $2 million?
- What is the probability that the apartment will sell for over $1 million but less than $1.1 million?
Question 8 of 8
HINT: We cover this in Lecture 8
You are an investment manager for a hedge fund. There are currently a lot of rumours going around about the “hot” property market on the Gold Coast, and some of your investors want you to set up a fund specialising in Surfers Paradise apartments.
Last Saturday you attended an auction to get “a feel” for the local real estate market. You decide it might be worth further investigating. You ask one of your interns to take a quick sample of 50 properties that have been sold during the last few months. Your previous research indicated an average price of $1.1 million but the average price of your assistant’s sample was only $950 000.
However, the standard deviation for her research was the same as yours at $385 000.
Tasks (show your workings):
- Since the apartments on Surfers Paradise are a mix of cheap older and more expensive new apartments, you know the distribution is NOT normal. Can you still use a Z-distribution to test your assistant’s research findings against yours? Why, or why not?
- You have over 2 000 investors in your fund. You and your assistant phone 45 of them to ask if they are willing to invest more than $1 million (each) to the proposed new fund. Only 11 say that they would, but you need at least 30% of your investors to participate to make the fund profitable. Based on your sample of 45 investors, what is the probability that 30% of the investors would be willing to commit $1 million or more to the fund?
QUALITY OF RESPONSE NO RESPONSE POOR / UNSATISFACTORY SATISFACTORY GOOD EXCELLENT Content (worth a maximum of 50% of the total points) Zero points: Student failed to submit the final paper. 20 points out of 50: The essay illustrates poor understanding of the relevant material by failing to address or incorrectly addressing the relevant content; failing to identify or inaccurately explaining/defining key concepts/ideas; ignoring or incorrectly explaining key points/claims and the reasoning behind them; and/or incorrectly or inappropriately using terminology; and elements of the response are lacking. 30 points out of 50: The essay illustrates a rudimentary understanding of the relevant material by mentioning but not full explaining the relevant content; identifying some of the key concepts/ideas though failing to fully or accurately explain many of them; using terminology, though sometimes inaccurately or inappropriately; and/or incorporating some key claims/points but failing to explain the reasoning behind them or doing so inaccurately. Elements of the required response may also be lacking. 40 points out of 50: The essay illustrates solid understanding of the relevant material by correctly addressing most of the relevant content; identifying and explaining most of the key concepts/ideas; using correct terminology; explaining the reasoning behind most of the key points/claims; and/or where necessary or useful, substantiating some points with accurate examples. The answer is complete. 50 points: The essay illustrates exemplary understanding of the relevant material by thoroughly and correctly addressing the relevant content; identifying and explaining all of the key concepts/ideas; using correct terminology explaining the reasoning behind key points/claims and substantiating, as necessary/useful, points with several accurate and illuminating examples. No aspects of the required answer are missing. Use of Sources (worth a maximum of 20% of the total points). Zero points: Student failed to include citations and/or references. Or the student failed to submit a final paper. 5 out 20 points: Sources are seldom cited to support statements and/or format of citations are not recognizable as APA 6th Edition format. There are major errors in the formation of the references and citations. And/or there is a major reliance on highly questionable. The Student fails to provide an adequate synthesis of research collected for the paper. 10 out 20 points: References to scholarly sources are occasionally given; many statements seem unsubstantiated. Frequent errors in APA 6th Edition format, leaving the reader confused about the source of the information. There are significant errors of the formation in the references and citations. And/or there is a significant use of highly questionable sources. 15 out 20 points: Credible Scholarly sources are used effectively support claims and are, for the most part, clear and fairly represented. APA 6th Edition is used with only a few minor errors. There are minor errors in reference and/or citations. And/or there is some use of questionable sources. 20 points: Credible scholarly sources are used to give compelling evidence to support claims and are clearly and fairly represented. APA 6th Edition format is used accurately and consistently. The student uses above the maximum required references in the development of the assignment. Grammar (worth maximum of 20% of total points) Zero points: Student failed to submit the final paper. 5 points out of 20: The paper does not communicate ideas/points clearly due to inappropriate use of terminology and vague language; thoughts and sentences are disjointed or incomprehensible; organization lacking; and/or numerous grammatical, spelling/punctuation errors 10 points out 20: The paper is often unclear and difficult to follow due to some inappropriate terminology and/or vague language; ideas may be fragmented, wandering and/or repetitive; poor organization; and/or some grammatical, spelling, punctuation errors 15 points out of 20: The paper is mostly clear as a result of appropriate use of terminology and minimal vagueness; no tangents and no repetition; fairly good organization; almost perfect grammar, spelling, punctuation, and word usage. 20 points: The paper is clear, concise, and a pleasure to read as a result of appropriate and precise use of terminology; total coherence of thoughts and presentation and logical organization; and the essay is error free. Structure of the Paper (worth 10% of total points) Zero points: Student failed to submit the final paper. 3 points out of 10: Student needs to develop better formatting skills. The paper omits significant structural elements required for and APA 6th edition paper. Formatting of the paper has major flaws. The paper does not conform to APA 6th edition requirements whatsoever. 5 points out of 10: Appearance of final paper demonstrates the student’s limited ability to format the paper. There are significant errors in formatting and/or the total omission of major components of an APA 6th edition paper. They can include the omission of the cover page, abstract, and page numbers. Additionally the page has major formatting issues with spacing or paragraph formation. Font size might not conform to size requirements. The student also significantly writes too large or too short of and paper 7 points out of 10: Research paper presents an above-average use of formatting skills. The paper has slight errors within the paper. This can include small errors or omissions with the cover page, abstract, page number, and headers. There could be also slight formatting issues with the document spacing or the font Additionally the paper might slightly exceed or undershoot the specific number of required written pages for the assignment. 10 points: Student provides a high-caliber, formatted paper. This includes an APA 6th edition cover page, abstract, page number, headers and is double spaced in 12’ Times Roman Font. Additionally, the paper conforms to the specific number of required written pages and neither goes over or under the specified length of the paper. GET THIS PROJECT NOW BY CLICKING ON THIS LINK TO PLACE THE ORDER
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