Making Important Decisions As A Leader And Manager

Making Important Decisions As A Leader And Manager
Order ID# 45178248544XXTG457 Plagiarism Level: 0-0.5% Writer Classification: PhD competent
Style: APA/MLA/Harvard/Chicago Delivery: Minimum 3 Hours Revision: Permitted
Sources: 4-6 Course Level: Masters/University College Guarantee Status: 96-99%


Making Important Decisions As A Leader And Manager

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Unit VI Article Critique

This assignment provides you with an opportunity to read an article and then to share your thoughts about the article by critiquing the details, including the decisions made.


In order to access the resource below, you must first log into the myCSU Student Portal and access the Academic OneFile database within the CSU Online Library


This article includes details and assertions about the ethical choices/decisions made by Edward J. Snowden, a former National Security Agency (NSA) contractor. Here is the reference citation for the article:


Securing our liberty. (2013). Commonweal, 140(12), 5.


After reading the article, draft a two-page response by discussing the U.S. government’s decision to acquire phone and internet data without disclosing its intentions to citizens. For this assignment, consider the NSA as an organization (i.e., business) and Snowden as a manager. How have the decisions of this event impacted the fairness of the U.S. government, its citizens, and Snowden? How did ethics, perhaps, influence Snowden’s decision to leak information? In this event, what is the greater good and also the consequences/sacrifices of that greater good? Based on the details of this event, what can we learn about making important decisions as a leader and manager?


This event was covered by several news and media organizations, so there should be plenty of articles in the library. Conduct a bit more research in the online library related to this event involving Edward Snowden and the U.S. government—see what else you can discover about the event to determine an appropriate punishment, if any, for Snowden’s conduct. Include at least one additional source from the library in your response.


The purpose of this assignment is for you to think critically about managers (and other leaders) making important decisions, and the process managers use to make important decisions. Consider how important it is to collect all of the facts before making an important decision, such as those involving fairness and ethics.


Use APA Style to format your response. Proofread your work, and submit it in Blackboard for grading.


Excellent Quality



45-41 points

The background and significance of the problem and a clear statement of the research purpose is provided. The search history is mentioned.

Literature Support

91-84  points

The background and significance of the problem and a clear statement of the research purpose is provided. The search history is mentioned.


58-53 points

Content is well-organized with headings for each slide and bulleted lists to group related material as needed. Use of font, color, graphics, effects, etc. to enhance readability and presentation content is excellent. Length requirements of 10 slides/pages or less is met.

Average Score


40-38 points

More depth/detail for the background and significance is needed, or the research detail is not clear. No search history information is provided.

83-76  points

Review of relevant theoretical literature is evident, but there is little integration of studies into concepts related to problem. Review is partially focused and organized. Supporting and opposing research are included. Summary of information presented is included. Conclusion may not contain a biblical integration.

52-49  points

Content is somewhat organized, but no structure is apparent. The use of font, color, graphics, effects, etc. is occasionally detracting to the presentation content. Length requirements may not be met.

Poor Quality


37-1 points

The background and/or significance are missing. No search history information is provided.

75-1 points

Review of relevant theoretical literature is evident, but there is no integration of studies into concepts related to problem. Review is partially focused and organized. Supporting and opposing research are not included in the summary of information presented. Conclusion does not contain a biblical integration.

48-1 points

There is no clear or logical organizational structure. No logical sequence is apparent. The use of font, color, graphics, effects etc. is often detracting to the presentation content. Length requirements may not be met

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Making Important Decisions As A Leader And Manager



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