The Garvin, Edmondson, & Gino article “Is Yours a Learning Organization,” Essay

After reading the Garvin, Edmondson, & Gino article “Is Yours a Learning Organization,” have at least 3 of your work colleagues complete the Learning Organization Survey (Link will open in new tab.) (Links to an external site.) in addition to yourself. Combine the results and see how they compare to the benchmark data in the article. Thinking about the various categories defined in the article, answer the following questions:
1. Where is your organization the strongest? [Can be one of the major categories or a subcategory]
—highly tolerate and sensibility for employee:
If you could not make the goal or have any difficulty, organization always try to help you to hit and provide multiple ways/advise.
We have a lot employee work for organization for a long time period, even they have already contribute as much as they can when they just joined, organization will allocate them into different roles/position for appreciated job keeping.
2. Where does your organization need to improve? [Can be one of the major categories or a subcategory]
management style:
-more opening challenge role for employee for long-term career build:
organization can try to provide more chance or new position for employee who have the potential dedication for orgnization’s development and employee’s impreovement.
-internal system:
As tech company, highly efficient system will affect inside and outside the organization for timely and faster.
3. What can you do to create a learning environment for people working for you (within the constraints of your organization)?
—weekly meeting :
can help sync and share each team members’ feedback from past week, so each members can have chance to get know and learn from different members based on their workload and experience to build up the knowledge
—quarterly stand up review:
Based on each member’s working experience due to different side, providing suggestion or improvement in order to have more efficient working environment

Knowledge can be use:

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Develop Soft Skills:

more than half (57%) put soft skills over hard skills when it comes to what they need their employees to develop. The top four soft skills are leadership, communication, collaboration and time management.
Execute for seem lacking ppl / are interested in their growth and overall success — not just how quickly they can accomplish a task in their present position.

Offer Micro-Learning:

LinkedIn’s report also found that the top reason employees feel held back from learning is that they don’t have the time to learn. The solution: offer learning opportunities in small, bite-sized time increments that can be manageably tucked into a workday. Youtube has changed the way we take in information — in digestible chunks that consider our busy lives and shorter attention spans. The average length of a Youtube video is around four minutes and 20 seconds. Take a cue.

Get Managers Involved:

getting managers involved in employee learning is a major challenge. It’s not that managers don’t want employees to learn. It’s that they’re usually already overloaded, and occupied with the daily and more pressing challenges of managing their teams and tackling the to-do list.

managers must understand is that developing their people and teams is a key responsibility, and it’s what helps to keep their teams engaged

Four suggestions: spotlight the managers who are successfully encouraging learning by circulating their success stories; collaborate with managers on the best times to incorporate learning into the day, have managers add a discussion on what skills employees want to learn into performance reviews, and then enlist managers to assign the applicable courses.

The Garvin, Edmondson, & Gino article “Is Yours a Learning Organization,” Essay


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