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West Marine Case Team Assignment
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West Marine Case Team Assignment
West Marine Case Team Assignment
Assignment Document:
This document includes the following assignment information needed to complete this case assignment:
- Assignment Objectives
- Assignment Introduction
III. Assignment Directions
- Assignment Guidelines and Requirements
- Assignment Questions
- Grading Criteria
VII. Cover Page
- Assignment Objectives:
The goal of this assignment is to utilize concepts mastered and apply them in a real world setting. West Marine explores various themes including but not limited to the following:
- Evaluate CPFR and its impact of a firm
- Explore issues surrounding collaboration and coordination in a supply chain environment
- Analyze the impact of mergers and acquisitions on supply chain management
- Illustrate implementation challenges and propose solutions utilizing CPFR
- Specify and analyze various costing issues
- Assess risk and mitigation strategies
- Assignment Introduction:
This real world case assignment is designed to help students evaluate the use of a collaborative approach to integrating across the SCOR processes of Plan, Source and Deliver (Customer Fulfillment) within the context of a retail environment. Teams will assess the firm’s supply chain before and after the implementation of CPFR. They will analyze the existing supply chain’s problems, propose solutions, and will critically evaluate the CPFR process—including its strengths, weaknesses, implementation challenges, and operational issues.
III. Assignment Directions:
You are to develop a 17 slide professional PowerPoint presentation. You must use proper grammar, punctuation, spelling, sentence construction, proper paragraph usage, etc. Assume you will be using this deck in a presentation for corporate leaders within the West Marine organization!
Therefore, you need to prepare the slides in a professional manner. For example–in a professional slideshow you would not use complete sentences on a particular slide…you would normally use bullet points. Also, graphs, URL’s to short video clips, etc. would be helpful.
Please note I will be evaluating the slides in the presentation mode. If the slides cannot be read in that manner, you will lose points.
Since you cannot answer the questions totally on the slides themselves, teams should use the Notes portion (see Notes page under the View tab of the PowerPoint slide presentation) of the PowerPoint slides for areas that require in depth explanation. When you utilize the Notes section, you are limited to the PowerPoint slide on the top of the Notes page and the information below it.
All extra information about a particular slide must fit on that 8.5 by 11 portrait version of the Notes page for a particular slide. I would suggest on this portion of the slide to reference the question you are answering by stating on the first line Q1, Q2, etc. By seeing this marker–Q1, Q2, etc.–I will know what question you are answering. No need to repeat the questions–I know them.
One of the early slides should include an agenda slide and/or objective slide–this slide is not counted toward the total. Also, you will be required to have a summary slide that includes a “next set of steps” recommendation–this slide is not counted toward the total.
Please note: The team should place citations on the slides as needed that illustrate the problems/questions/goals/objectives, etc. you are trying to obtain.
See the Course Schedule for due dates for these deliverables.
- Assignment Guidelines and Requirements:
- Your team’s responses should be organized into a PowerPoint presentation of approximately 17 slides. Is the presentation concise and succinct?
- All extra information about a particular slide must fit on that 8.5 by 11 portrait version of the Notes pagefor a particular slide.
- Utilize graphics or even a short video to help emphasize a particular concept or elaborate on an answer to a question.
- Are the slides logically organized?
- Are proper grammar rules, punctuation, spelling, and sentence construction used?
- Do the slides support, amplify, and clarify your answers?
- Do the slides represent correct information?
- Is the presentation visually attractive?
- Do the slides have a common font, theme, etc.?
- Does the PowerPoint deck contain an agenda slide, overview, or objectives slide?
- Does the PowerPoint deck have a summary slide?
- Please include a cover page that includes the team name, assignment name, date, and individual names of team members.
- Please use proper citations on the appropriate slides when necessary. Do not plagiarize.
- Points will be deducted for not following formatting directions and not answering all assignment questions.
- Assignment Questions:
Note: The instructor reserves the right to change the points for this assignment and these questions at his discretion. Points shown below are only approximate and may change.
Please answer the following questions in your presentation:
Note: Question 1 through Question 5 pertains to WM after the E&B Marine acquisition.
Question 1: Please draw a schematic diagram of the West Marine supply chain. This diagram would fit somewhere between a process flow diagram and a value stream map. (20 total points)
- Based upon the information in the case only, add all the information to the diagram that you would think a responsible supply chain manager would require using this diagram to help him/her analyze this supply chain. (For example number of sku’s, inventory safety stock, etc.)
- Utilizing the notes section of the slide, list the three most important bits of information (not mentioned in Part 1 above) you think would be beneficial to assist a supply chain manager in evaluating this supply chain. So, what information is missing from the case that you would like to know so that you could analyze the case more fully? This situation happens all the time in industry!
- Briefly (and the key word is briefly) explain why you would need this information from Part 2 of the question.
- How might you actually obtain the information in Part 3?
Question 2: List and explain the primary dangers of executing an acquisition when the company does not have a solid supply chain foundation? Utilize the point in time just after the E&B acquisition. (20 total points)
- Sometimes when you are inside a company it is difficult to see the forest for the trees–always fighting today’s battles! Therefore, for this question place yourself in the position of a consultant with 100% complete access to West Marine via the case.
- The intent of this question is for you to probe the case for the strategic dangers that lurk in the absence of a solid supply chain infrastructure
- An average response will identify at least twodangers. A top-level response will identify four. Do not exceed four!I am not looking for extensive lists—I am looking for depth and breadth.
Question 3: What supply chain improvements were necessary for WM to turnaround its supply chain performance? (20 total points)
- The intent of this question is for you to probe the case for the most important underlying causes of the problems that WM must address. You must define the problem before you can solve the problem!
- An average response will identify at least twoimprovements. A top-level response will identify four. Do not exceed four!I am not looking for extensive lists—I am looking for depth and breadth.
- Also, be sure to explain or make an argument justifying why your solution solves an existing problem.
Question 4: Why is CPFR important? How did CPFR help WM address its supply chain challenges? (20 total points)
- This question consists of two parts: Why and How!
- Be specific and freely use examples from the case when responding to this question! The lack of examples from the case is a typical area where students lose points.
Question 5: For WM what are the two most important ingredients needed to achieve “break through supply chain performance” utilizing CPFR? (20 total points)
- Be specific and use examples from the case when responding to this question! The lack of examples from the case is a typical area where students lose points.
Question 6: Is WM ready for the Boat U.S. acquisition….yes or no? What are its primary supply chain risks–especially as it relates to CPFR? What should the top priorities be in integrating the two organizations? Explain your reasoning and how it might tie back into previous modules. (20 total points)
- For this set of questions, be certain that you focus on the Boat U.S. acquisition!
- An average response will identify at least twoitems. A top-level response will identify four. Do not exceed four!I am not looking for extensive lists—I am looking for depth and breadth.
- Grading Criteria: West Marine PowerPoint Presentation Assignment:
(The instructor reserves the right to change the grading criteria for this assignment without notice.)
PowerPoint presentations are another communication device that stresses organizing thoughts in the appropriate hierarchy and sequence, selecting words for their power and expressiveness, using technical terms in appropriate contexts, and representing complex data and symbols precisely in prose.
- Does the PowerPoint deck answer each of the questions?
- Does each answer to a question contain analysis of the major issues?
- Does the analysis for each question incorporate concepts/techniques from all readings (including previous modules)?
- Does the analysis show relationships among important factors?
- Are assumptions explicitly stated?
- Does the analysis isolate fundamental causes of the problems?
- Does the analysis contain enough detail to support your answers?
- When the analysis is undertaken, does it use the information at its disposal correctly, thereby leading to correct answers?
- Does the presentation utilize the information and apply it to today’s business environment?
Quality of Professional PowerPoint Slides:
- Are the slides logically organized?
- Are proper rules of grammar, punctuation, spelling, sentence construction, etc. are used?
- Is the presentation concise and succinct—length 17 to 20 slides?
- Do the PowerPoint slides support, amplify and clarify your answers?
- Do the PowerPoint slides represent correct information?
- Is the presentation visually attractive?
- Was the Notes section in the PowerPoint utilized to add depth to the presentation?
- Do the PowerPoint slides have a common font, theme, etc.?
- Does the PowerPoint deck contain an agenda slide, overview, or objectives slide?
- Does the PowerPoint deck contain a schematic of the supply chain that is under analysis?
- Does the PowerPoint deck have a summary slide? Does it point out “next steps?”
- Do the PowerPoint slides have graphics, a short video, etc. that help to emphasize particular points? You must explain in the Notes section how this clip adds to your answer.
Overall Criteria:
- Is the Power Point presentation logically consistent and effectively structured so it sells its ideas?
Miscellaneous Comments
Cover Sheet
West Marine Case
GRADE: __________ /200
Date Submitted: ____________________
Team Number: ____________________
Individual Team Member Names:
Team Member’s Name ___________________________ Email _______________
Team Member’s Name ___________________________ Email _______________
Team Member’s Name ___________________________ Email _______________
Team Member’s Name ___________________________ Email _______________
Team Member’s Name ___________________________ Email _______________
QUALITY OF RESPONSE NO RESPONSE POOR / UNSATISFACTORY SATISFACTORY GOOD EXCELLENT Content (worth a maximum of 50% of the total points) Zero points: Student failed to submit the final paper. 20 points out of 50: The essay illustrates poor understanding of the relevant material by failing to address or incorrectly addressing the relevant content; failing to identify or inaccurately explaining/defining key concepts/ideas; ignoring or incorrectly explaining key points/claims and the reasoning behind them; and/or incorrectly or inappropriately using terminology; and elements of the response are lacking. 30 points out of 50: The essay illustrates a rudimentary understanding of the relevant material by mentioning but not full explaining the relevant content; identifying some of the key concepts/ideas though failing to fully or accurately explain many of them; using terminology, though sometimes inaccurately or inappropriately; and/or incorporating some key claims/points but failing to explain the reasoning behind them or doing so inaccurately. Elements of the required response may also be lacking. 40 points out of 50: The essay illustrates solid understanding of the relevant material by correctly addressing most of the relevant content; identifying and explaining most of the key concepts/ideas; using correct terminology; explaining the reasoning behind most of the key points/claims; and/or where necessary or useful, substantiating some points with accurate examples. The answer is complete. 50 points: The essay illustrates exemplary understanding of the relevant material by thoroughly and correctly addressing the relevant content; identifying and explaining all of the key concepts/ideas; using correct terminology explaining the reasoning behind key points/claims and substantiating, as necessary/useful, points with several accurate and illuminating examples. No aspects of the required answer are missing. Use of Sources (worth a maximum of 20% of the total points). Zero points: Student failed to include citations and/or references. Or the student failed to submit a final paper. 5 out 20 points: Sources are seldom cited to support statements and/or format of citations are not recognizable as APA 6th Edition format. There are major errors in the formation of the references and citations. And/or there is a major reliance on highly questionable. The Student fails to provide an adequate synthesis of research collected for the paper. 10 out 20 points: References to scholarly sources are occasionally given; many statements seem unsubstantiated. Frequent errors in APA 6th Edition format, leaving the reader confused about the source of the information. There are significant errors of the formation in the references and citations. And/or there is a significant use of highly questionable sources. 15 out 20 points: Credible Scholarly sources are used effectively support claims and are, for the most part, clear and fairly represented. APA 6th Edition is used with only a few minor errors. There are minor errors in reference and/or citations. And/or there is some use of questionable sources. 20 points: Credible scholarly sources are used to give compelling evidence to support claims and are clearly and fairly represented. APA 6th Edition format is used accurately and consistently. The student uses above the maximum required references in the development of the assignment. Grammar (worth maximum of 20% of total points) Zero points: Student failed to submit the final paper. 5 points out of 20: The paper does not communicate ideas/points clearly due to inappropriate use of terminology and vague language; thoughts and sentences are disjointed or incomprehensible; organization lacking; and/or numerous grammatical, spelling/punctuation errors 10 points out 20: The paper is often unclear and difficult to follow due to some inappropriate terminology and/or vague language; ideas may be fragmented, wandering and/or repetitive; poor organization; and/or some grammatical, spelling, punctuation errors 15 points out of 20: The paper is mostly clear as a result of appropriate use of terminology and minimal vagueness; no tangents and no repetition; fairly good organization; almost perfect grammar, spelling, punctuation, and word usage. 20 points: The paper is clear, concise, and a pleasure to read as a result of appropriate and precise use of terminology; total coherence of thoughts and presentation and logical organization; and the essay is error free. Structure of the Paper (worth 10% of total points) Zero points: Student failed to submit the final paper. 3 points out of 10: Student needs to develop better formatting skills. The paper omits significant structural elements required for and APA 6th edition paper. Formatting of the paper has major flaws. The paper does not conform to APA 6th edition requirements whatsoever. 5 points out of 10: Appearance of final paper demonstrates the student’s limited ability to format the paper. There are significant errors in formatting and/or the total omission of major components of an APA 6th edition paper. They can include the omission of the cover page, abstract, and page numbers. Additionally the page has major formatting issues with spacing or paragraph formation. Font size might not conform to size requirements. The student also significantly writes too large or too short of and paper 7 points out of 10: Research paper presents an above-average use of formatting skills. The paper has slight errors within the paper. This can include small errors or omissions with the cover page, abstract, page number, and headers. There could be also slight formatting issues with the document spacing or the font Additionally the paper might slightly exceed or undershoot the specific number of required written pages for the assignment. 10 points: Student provides a high-caliber, formatted paper. This includes an APA 6th edition cover page, abstract, page number, headers and is double spaced in 12’ Times Roman Font. Additionally, the paper conforms to the specific number of required written pages and neither goes over or under the specified length of the paper. GET THIS PROJECT NOW BY CLICKING ON THIS LINK TO PLACE THE ORDER
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